Saturday 29 March 2014

The Best and The Worst 

Music videos are creative and engaging media texts capable of being just as strong artistically as the songs they are accompanying.

There are music videos in our world that are as strong as the song they are portraying and sometimes can even cause a more meaningful impact on the viewer, then there are those videos which destroy the artistic strength that the song originally held.

Impactful Videos

                The first video that displays a song well pertaining to its true meaning is the video for “Cinderella” by Steven Curtis Chapman. There is two versions of the song. The first being one about how Chapman had felt guilty about not reading his two youngest daughters a story one night after recalling how he missed moments with his 20 year old daughter like this. The second version is when the song came about with a new meaning. Chapman’s youngest daughter was part of an accident in the family’s driveway resulting in her death. Emphasizing the message of cherishing the moments that won’t always be there. The video has Chapman singing while silhouettes act and dance out the story in the background. At the end the daughter in the silhouette disappears leaving the father standing alone. This happens while Chapman is singing the line, “… and she’ll be gone.” It’s as if the viewer is watching the story play out before them, having this in the video makes the song even more meaningful because it gives the audience a visual of what they’re supposed to be connecting to. Their heart breaks for the singer as the events play out from start to finish.  It’s meant to relate to different audiences. It’s perfect for getting the message across to different audiences. If a daughter watches it, she’ll picture her father and she’ll be impacted because she would imagine what it would be like for her father in Chapman’s position. If fathers watch the video they will relate to the lyrics and watching the story will make them see themselves and their children, it will give them the realization that those moments won’t last forever and they have to treasure them as much as they can. This song and video together really reach a place in the heart that a lot of people might want to avoid thinking about. They don’t want to feel sadness. But sometimes it’s good to think about what you’ve got because honestly, you never know when it will be gone.

Do Something
                The second video that is perfect for artistically leaving a message is “Do Something” by Matthew West. It’s such a simple video with regular everyday people holding up a sign on how they can make a change. This simplicity is a great way to make it relatable. Taking those average people out there who are living their lives just like everyone else and putting them on screen, really becomes a true inspiration to the viewer. People don’t want to see someone who isn't real, who are getting paid millions of dollars, telling them they can make a change just like them. Because the truth is nobody’s just like them. The way celebrities portray themselves onscreen conduct a false sense of reality. But seeing that realism is the best way for people to really consider the message and take action from it. Which is important in this song because it’s about doing something to change the world. You can ask God why he doesn't just fix everything, why doesn’t he do something, but the truth is, he did. He created us.

Story of My Life
                “Story of My Life” by One Direction has a video that makes the song even better. The group of them each have tableaus that display moments in their past. Some happy, some touching and sad. Compiling all of these moments was the perfect display of the video because similar to Chapman’s video, the viewer gets to visually see what the singers are talking about. What they’re thinking of when they sing the lyrics. It gives them the idea to go back to photo moments in their past. Making them love the song even more because it brings back memories. Therefore making it more personal, leaving more of an impact with them.

Artistically Ruined Song

This is the best example I could think of and I don’t think I know any that are worse, so that’s why there’s just one for this section

Wrecking Ball
“Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus is definitely one of the videos that had a negative impact on the song. The song wasn’t half bad, but once the video released it became popular, but because people hated it. It was like Rebecca Black’s song “Friday” it wasn't talked about because it was good. Miley jumping from Hannah Montana to whatever that was, was just not what people wanted to see. The video was disturbing. I think that’s the best way to put it, so people were affected by it but not in the way a real artist trying to send a message would want it to affect them.

To Conclude 
From these examples we can conclude that there are both impactful artistic videos and some not so much. Though, I still believe music videos are a great way for an artist to add more meaning to a song so the audience can see how they see it. Giving them more of an understanding of the context. Music videos are an important part of our pop culture. People obviously enjoy them for some reason or else they still wouldn’t be around.  

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Me and the Media

The Importance

I believe that the media is very important in my life. I believe this because it is relevant in my everyday life. On my spare time I check Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. I love watching movies and listening to music it's what inspires me every day. Even if it’s just used as a way to pass boredom, media is relevant and I am not sure what the world would be like without it. It’s impacted society everywhere and is used to develop culture and communication everywhere. 


     The types of media I feel most passionate about are music and movies. Music is so apparent in my lifestyle. I listen to it and have even taken to singing myself. I love when I am able to really hear the lyrics and feel something from them. I constantly listen to inspirational music and it always does just that, it inspires and changes the way I think and see things after I listen to a song. Movies are a way to escape I find. Once somebody is able to get into a movie enough they develop a connection to the story and develop emotions almost as if they were the characters. I love how movies are able to make that type of an impact. When created the right way with good purpose movies have the potential to change lives

Pop Culture: The Way I See It

I think pop culture is just a way of life now. It’s always going to be there no matter what. I can’t say I enjoy it all. In my opinion the people that seem to rule the pop culture now are not a positive influence on their audience. I think they need to start using that influential opportunity to change the world for the better instead of putting themselves out there as examples of people with impure values. They need to become inspirational leaders that encourage good values. I understand that they are mostly teenagers or young adults. A lot of people their age also feel the need to try bad things like drugs and drinking. But the thing is people that are not that high standing in society don’t get publicised for it and aren’t the ones setting the example for the rest of the media following community to follow. These celebrities are though. They all have talents which is why they are where they are. They should be using that talent in a responsible way. When they agreed to this life and this lifestyle they agreed to be in the public eye. Looked to as trendsetters and entertainment. I think they need to start using this rare opportunity to set a positive influence. I have to agree with the technology that’s used to help us communicate in different ways. It’s so amazing that as of modern day we are able to communicate with others on the other side of the world. Not too long ago this seem like an unlikely breakthrough that would never happen. Social media provides amazing communication opportunities and provides a way to talk to anyone anywhere. I find it does have its disadvantages though. There are scary people out there that can get a hold of information easily through this new technology. So it also provides people the opportunity to be aware of what they put out there and keep an eye on their own safety. Honestly, I like to use the media to find music that inspires me. Lately, I enjoy finding songs about faith. I like to use it to communicate with the world. A lot of the time on twitter I will send out bible verses or quotes that portray a positive message. In hopes that maybe someone will see it and it will brighten their day. I guess that means I like to use the media to make a change. 


One form of media I have a strong passionate connection to is music. What I listen to impacts my mood entirely. Recently I only started listening to inspirational music. Music about faith, hope and helping others. One of my favourite artists from this genre is Matthew West. I was scrolling through iTunes and came across his song called, “Do Something.” It’s a song about how every person has to participate to change the world. It’s the power of people that can help those in poverty and every other problem others in the world may face. It talks about how we can cry out to God and ask why he’s letting this happen and why won’t he do something. When the truth is, God made us to create the change. We’re all here to help others. This song spoke to me so much because I always asked those questions. The questions of why? Why would God this and why wouldn’t God that? Now I know it’s because he wants us to take action. It’s why he lets these things happen. Another artist I enjoy is Chris Tomlin. He has a song called “Whom Shall I Fear.” Every time I listen to it, it makes me feel stronger in a way. It’s about how God’s always on your side, the God of angel armies. Thinking about that is amazing because this songs just enforces the fact that whatever troubles may come, God will always be there, fighting with you, pulling you through. Listening to this song and remembering this, was what helped me through my recent time at the hospital. It was the worst time of my life. However, through all the awful events that took place I could feel God there, I now know he was. The last song I’m going to say has influenced me is “Pushing Back the Dark” by Josh Wilson. In this song it is saying how people need to continuously stay on the positive side. They have to push away the dark and hold onto the light. And this song changes the way I look at every day because when I feel myself getting down about something I remember the lyrics in this song and just try and put them into action. Keeping myself from getting too down when really there’s so much to be grateful for and joyful about.