Thursday 12 June 2014

Mini Media Reviews

So, there’s a few videos and a certain website out there that I would just like to let you know my personal opinions on. I hope you agree with some of them, but if not oh well make your own blog about them if you don’t like this one! But anyhow, I truly do hope you enjoy!

Arrogant Bieber

The only way I can describe this video is disappointing. I had always been one of those people who had stuck up for Justin Bieber saying that he’s not as obnoxious and rude as most of the media portrays him to be. But, the way he was responding to these questions, acting like “he didn’t recall” totally changed my opinion on him. He’s now just going to become another example of a talented individual who became consumed with the world of fame. This video just goes to prove further how hard it is to stay humble when there’s so many people putting you on a pedestal. It can be inferred that he doesn’t seem to think he needs to pay these people respect from the snarky comebacks and the bored and disgusted expressions that consume his faced throughout the entire video. Arrogant Bieber is just a sad video that displays a young messed up star being taken over by his own self-righteousness.


Musical Desk

Jacksgap Jacksgap 5 minutes of your life that you won't get back! 

This is honestly on of my favourite videos. I absolutely love it. I thought it was amazing how he was able to take simple every day noises from sitting at a desk and arrange them to create a fantastic piece of music. The fact there was actually a point to the video and it was composed to be a reminder of the life of Steve Jobs makes it even better. This youtuber known as Jacksgap never lets me down with his videos and this one doesn’t break that chain. Musical Desk definitely makes it onto my list of approval. This video goes to show that you don’t need to be a super talented musical prodigy to create a successful piece of music. So, I also think it’s a good thing that this video shows that because now people out there may realize that creativity can be displayed through the simplest things and may be inspired to create something of their own. So, overall a fabulously inspirational video.

Rainbow Sponge

This video was fantastic. It made me laugh so I really liked it. I appreciate how it is so different compared to the stereotypical viral video. It definitely adds onto my love of silly videos. It was awesome how excited the lady was about her rainbow sponge too. She was so entertaining to watch because of her comedic enthusiasm. In all honesty, I’m not exactly sure if she was serious her not. I mean, she seemed pretty legit. Her little side comments were laughable especially when placed next to her excitement about each technique and the amazement that came with it. I never thought I would find a video like this as funny as I did. At first I was a little confused and just kind of sat there thinking what in the world am I watching? But as it got more into the video it just made me laugh. All I can say is it was pretty darn hilarious!

It’s The Thought That Counts (Banana Kid)


Okay this is the most fabulously fabulous fantastic video I have ever seen. That little kid is just so cute and that excitement over a simple banana is adorable. I can totally relate to him because of my love for bananas and that would have been my reaction if I got one as a gift too. Bananas are the real key to happiness, nothing else is needed to be satisfied with life. My little brother actually showed me this video and then my friend sent it to me the next day, both saying it reminded them of me. I 100% agree. This video could even be said to remind us to appreciate the little things in life. Just be as joyful as a little kid with a banana and all will be well and good. This video was funny, adorable, entertaining and relatable and I love it sosososo much! Ahh it was awesome!  

People of Walmart

Now this one isn’t a video but it is a hilariously awesome website. The pictures you see when you scroll through this make it hard not to crack a smile. You just don’t go out looking to see something like that at your local Wal- Mart. If I walked passed any of these people anywhere I’d have to either hide my terror or my giggles. As I think anyone would. Seeing all these pictures does make me wonder what some people think before they leave the house in the morning though. Like do they look in the mirror, give themselves a satisfied smile and walk out the door? I’m not saying this to be mean but what in the world would make some of them think what they’re wearing is okay? Everyone should have the right to be their own person but they should just be aware that they might be put on display for the internet community of the world to see. But, I have to admit it makes for a good, funny website so I give it two thumbs up.

I was going to put on pictures from the site but I thought it'd be better if you were able to scroll through the site yourself to get the full experience!
Those were my opinions. And now that I have admitted my love of bananas I find it only appropriate to finish this off with a song about the greatest fruit of all time sung by the greatest animated characters in the world. Here it goes!


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